To seek means to enquire about something, to investigate, or be intent on finding something out. A doctor seeks to find a cure for an illness. A husband seeks to find a birthday gift for his wife. A child seeks to find a lost toy. Seeking involves the pursuit of a resolution.
This week, we are resolving to seek out the Lord as a church. The prophet Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 55:6, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call to him while he is near.” We are in an incredible moment where God is available to his people because of his grace. Our Lord calls his people to seek him because he is near. How do people get a closer walk with the Lord? We draw near to God through prayer, fasting, and meditating on God’s Word.
In the Bible, people fast when grieving, repenting, or preparing for a battle. David pleaded with God for his son’s life through fasting (2 Sam. 12:16). The people of Nineveh repented of their sins through a fast (Jonah 3:5). Our Lord Jesus prepared for his temptation through a forty-day fast (Matt. 4:2). In this same way, Seek Week is five days where we, as a church body, prepare for the new year by setting aside an intentional time of seeking out God.
An important thing to keep in mind this week is the intention. Fasting is not about trying a new diet plan. We seek an intentional time to escape the noise and distractions and pray to God. You will replace a time during your day when you would usually be distracted with something else and instead set that time aside to focus your mind and heart on the Lord.
It is common to replace a time of eating with an intentional focus on God. You remind yourself during this time that God is the only provision that you need. Instead of that meal, you would use that time to get on your knees, pray, and read God’s Word. You might also sing a worship song or journal your thanksgiving to God.
During Seek Week, others may choose to confront a distraction that they realize is taking away from their quiet times with the Lord. Suppose you spend an hour every night on social media. Seek Week may be the perfect time to put away your phone, pick up your physical Bible, and begin spending your evenings in communion with God.
This week is an opportunity to prepare for the spiritual battle for the year. In the Bible, Judah had a leader named King Jehoshaphat. He found out that many of their enemies had joined forces to fight against Judah and were already in striking distance. Look at how the king prepared his people:
“Jehoshaphat was afraid, and he resolved to seek the Lord. Then he proclaimed a fast for all Judah, who gathered to seek the Lord. They even came from all the cities of Judah to seek him.”
2 Chron. 20:3–4
What ended up happening? A word from the Lord came to them in response to their seeking him. “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chron. 20:15). God intervened and defeated their enemy.
In the battle for your year, remember that the fight is not yours but God’s. Seek him out and trust him.
A prayer for Catalyst: Thank you, Lord, for your grace and goodness in our lives. Please help us to prioritize our time with you. Thank you for your provisions and your love. Please help us to love others well. May Jesus get the glory in our lives. Amen.
One Response
I’m so thankful for this seek week.
Last year I fasted food, and it did feel like a new diet. This year I’m drawing closer to him.
Thank you Pastor Jason for this read. May God protect and guide us through this seek week.